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Best foot forward.
Building steam with a grain of salt.
The Number song.
Changeling (Transmission N°1).
What does your soul look like part. 4.
Stem/Long stem (Transmission N°2).
Mutual slump.
Organ donor.
Why hip hop sucks in'96.
Midnight in a perfect world.
Napalm brain/Scatter brain.
What does your soul look like.
Best foot forward (Alternative version).
Building steam with a grain of salt (Alternate take without overdubs).
The Number song (Cut Chemist party mix).
Changeling (Demo excerpt).
Stem (Cops'n'robbers mix).
Red bus needs to leave !.
Mutual slump (Alternate take without overdubs).
Organ donor (Extended overhaul).
Why hip hop sucks in'96 (Alternate take).
Midnight in a perfect world (Gab mix).
Napalm brain (Original demo beat).
What does your soul look like (Peshay remix).
Dj Shadow live in Oxford, England, oct.30, 1997
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